His Pledge versus My Pledge:
I decided what was "good for the goose was good for the gander," so I sent Mayor begich a pledge of my own. Wonder of wonders, Mayor Begich signed it. A newspaper reporter asked me why he \signed my pledge, but I didn't sign his. Iresponded, "Because my pledge was better than his pledge"!
November 14, 2004
The Honorable Mark Begich
Anchorage City Hall
632 West 6th Avenue Suite 840
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Dear Mayor Begich:
Many of my constituents are concerned about the traffic congestion at the Tudor and Lake Otis intersection. They are also burdened with very high homeowner property taxes. I share these concerns, and believe you do too. As Mayor of the Municipality of Anchorage, I believe our constituents would be encouraged if you sign the pledge below, and mail it back to my office. I will make every effort to let my constituents know where you stand on these important issues, as evidenced by your signature on the pledge.
Public Pledge
I. Mark Begich, Mayor of the Municipality of Anchorage, do hereby pledge:
1. To publicly endorse extending Bragaw Street to help relieve traffic congestion at the Tudor and Lake Otis intersection.
2. To use any additional funds the legislature may add, in future sessions, to municipal revenue sharing to lower homeowner property taxes.
(signed ) Mark Begich
Thank you,
Bob Lynn