Blogs by Rep Bob Lynn

Blog site of Representative Bob Lynn, Alaska House of Representatives,District 31 Anchorage, Alaska. Blogs consist of public comments during legislative sessions, speeches, political commentary, as well as personal observations, and some journal type entries. Comments are invited.

Location: Anchorage, Alaska, United States

Member of the Alaska State House of Represeentatives since 2003. US Air Force, Retired; military bandsman; F94C interceptor pilot; Vietnam service as radar controller (Monkey Mountain), radar site commander(Pleiku); Government Contract Management; Public school Teacher, Retired. Married 55 years to Marlene Wagner Lynn, 6 children, 20 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild. Member St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Church. Former Tucson Arizona policeman, Ambulance Driver and Mortician's Assistant, Realtor (currently on referral status).

Monday, January 02, 2012


The 123rd annual Rose Parade today in Pasadena, California brings multiple memories. I marched in that five and a half mile parade six times with the then-well-known Sheriff’s Boy’s Band. Played the Buesher 400 alto saxophone – the same sax I play (though not often) today. One Rose Parade, however, I lugged and beat a big bass drum. That likely explains what’s wrong with my back today. In addition, I’ve several times attended the Rose Parade. I love a parade! I think my daughter Debra may have attended the parade today.

It’s sad that some four hundred rag-tag “Occupy” protesters thought it appropriate to follow behind the parade on Colorado Blvd. I can’t imagine how they think such stuff can benefit their “cause,” if they even know what their cause is. Whatever, this is America, and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly is a good thing.

I’m amazed the 2012 parade is today Monday, the 2nd of January – because New Year’s Day fell on Sunday. Doesn’t seem quite right (I’m a traditionalist). Whatever, I hope one day our State of Alaska can join with other states with a rose covered float in the parade.

Photos show me in Sheriff’s Boy’s Band with Katherine Hepburn during filming of “State of the Union,” the whole band with badges and patch, and little young me when I first joined the band. The insert shows some band members with famed Los Angeles County Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz, who was my Grandfather (Deputy Sheriff) John Lynn’s boss.

Sheriff’s Boy’s Band Director Colonel Vesey Walker, and my sax instructor, later became the first bandmaster of Disneyland in California. Last time I saw Col. Walker was when I was a teacher and I worked a summer job at the photo shop at Disneyland. His son Tommy Walker was my baton-twilling instructor. Also known as “Tommy the Toe,” he was the USC Drum Major who – when necessary – changed from band to football uniform to become a placekicking celebrity. He also composed the well-known USC trumpet charge "Da da da DUT da DUH"! Tommy later directed the opening and closing ceremonies for three World Olympic Games. Colonel Walker and Tommy Walker, like the Sheriff Boy’s band, were a big influence during my teens.


Blogger Mike said...

Seriously Bob? "if they even know what their cause is. "

Occupy's central message is get money out of politics. Removing the undue influence of the 1%. We want democracy not a plutocracy. HJR 33 and HB 244 are good examples of legislation we support.

Please show your support for the 99% by voting for us on these important measures.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Oregon Sue said...

I was also in the Sheriff's Boys Band and marched in the Hollywood Lane Parade and the Rose Parade.. back in 1961-2. Sheriff was Eugene Biscailuz. There were 5 girls in the band, banner carriers and 3 of us played the glockenspiel. Our uniforms were a tad different than yours. Good memories.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Photography by Chris Miller said...

I am President of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Museum and I would like to talk to anyone who was in the Sheriff's Boys Band. My e-mail address is

10:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My Dad, Howard Furlong, played Sax in the SBB I remember hearing that one year he marched in the Rose Parade it was pouring rain... not sure what year that was... he was born in 1911 went to Lincoln HS so maybe around 1926??

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doubt you’ll see this but I played alto sax for the band during those years . The director was Sgt Fleischer (from Downey)
Myself John Whipple, Jim Mc Lellan, and Glenn Burbank were also members Mark Keppel High School band. The Sgt had two daughters in the band.

6:17 PM  

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