So what are some of the things I do as a State Representative at the capitol? The following is a portion of my legislative activities from January 17 through February 6. Not included: study of bills, issue discussion, routine office paperwork, correspondence, in and out visits with legislative colleagues, staff from other offices, personal activities, blog writing, phoning District 31 constituents.
Sat. Jan 17, 2009: Fly from Anchorage to Juneau with Marlene. Check into Driftwood Lodge Motel in downtown Juneau. Unpack. Buy groceries.
Mon. Jan 19: First staff meeting of 2009 with my staff Nancy Manly, Dirk Moffatt, and Mike Sica. Set office procedures. Review pending personal legislation. Planning. Start unpacking office.
Tues. Jan 20: First House Floor Session of the 26th Legislature. Swearing in by Lt. Governor Sean Parnell and Opening Ceremonies. Official Photo. Meet at Lt. Gov Parnell’s office to sign Oath of Office. Photo with Lt. Governor Parnell. Meet with Commissioner of Public Safety Schmidt. Continue unpacking.
Wed. Jan 21: House Floor Session. Meeting with three representatives of the Knik Arm Bridge Authority (KABATA). Meeting with Alaska Professional Firefighters Association re line of duty death benefits. Majority Caucus in Speaker’s Chambers. City of Juneau Legislative Welcoming Reception at Centennial Hall.
Thurs. Jan 22: Give speech at Alaskans for Life Rally on capitol steps. Public Safety Sub-Committee overview hearing. Meet with Public Safety Commissioner Schmidt. Attend Joint Session of Legislature to hear Governor Sarah Palin’s State of the State Address.
Fri. Jan 23: House Floor Session. Pass citations. Labor and Commerce Committee. In-State Labor and Workforce Development Hearing with Commissioner of Labor Bishop.
Mon Jan 26: House Floor session. Office staff meeting. Joint House-Senate Judiciary Committee overview meeting. Meet with Public Safety Commissioner Schmidt.
Tue Jan 27: Meet with Lt. General Campbell, Alaska Adjutant General on Alaska Territorial Guard issues, Alaska Youth Academy, and budget. Meeting with Alaska Firefighters Union representative. Health and Social Services Committee hearing with Commissioner Hogan and Financial Services Division. AFL/CIO Reception.
Wed Jan 28: House floor session. Meeting with Operation Engineers Group representative. House Judiciary Committee meeting with Attorney General Colberg for overview and legislative subpoena issues. Reception with Alaska Municipal League.
Thurs. Jan 29: Chaired State Affairs Committee meeting. Heard two House bills and Governor Palin’s bill on Permanent Fund divestment in Darfur, with Commissioner of Revenue Galvin, and Permanent Fund CEO Burns. Meeting with representative of the Alaska Independent Blind Association. Meeting with governor’s representative for Governor’s Council on Disability. Meeting with Professional Workforce Development by Health and Social Services, Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Mental Health Trust, State Hospital and Nursing Homes. Game Feed reception in Speaker’s Chambers by Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. Labor and Workforce Development Budget Sub-Committee hearing.
Fri. Jan 30: Meeting with constituent from Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. Meeting with legislative colleague regarding legal presence bill and Darfur bill. House floor session. Judiciary Committee meeting for overview of Corrections Department with Deputy Commissioner for Corrections Operations. Prepared addendum for Judiciary Chairman's gasoline pricing report.
Mon. Feb 2: Meeting with Constituent Stencil, Operations Manager with Anchorage Soil and Water Conservation. House Floor session. Judiciary Committee – passed my HB4 False Caller ID bill out of committee, and heard HB 96. Labor and Commerce Committee, heard HB87 on benefits for disabled peace officers, and HB 64 about gift cards.
Tue. Feb 3: Military and Veterans Affairs Budget Sub-Committee Hearing. Chaired State Affairs Committee to consider my HB42 instant on-line campaign reporting bill. Instruction on Blackberry operations by technicians, NEA representative discussing defined benefits retirement legislation. Health and Social Services hearing with Deputy Commissioner on Suicide Prevention issues. Meeting with legislative colleague on my bill requiring legal presence required for an Alaska drivers’ license. Labor and Workforce Development Budget Sub-Committee hearing.
Wed. Feb 4: House floor session, regarding extending Joint Armed Forces Committee, and projects for federal stimulus package. Judiciary Committee to consider confirmation of two Ethics Committee members, and extension of the Alaska Bar Association Board of Governors. House Majority Caucus in Speaker’s Chambers with Gov Sarah Palin.
Thurs. Feb 5: Chaired State Affairs Committee, heard and passed my HB3 requiring legal presence for an Alaska driver’s license. Meeting with constituent and director of Serve Alaska Committee. Public Safety Budget Finance Sub-Committee.
Fri. Feb 6: House floor session, citations. Birthday luncheon for Marlene and me by staff. Telephone call to constituent concerned about President Obama’s policies. Meeting with State Veterinarian regarding my HB6 bill. Meeting with constituent representing Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference. Meeting with AFL/CIO representative to discuss House Resolution 5 to be heard next week in Labor and Commerce Committee. Review and discussion of Senate stance on subpoena issues, and Lt. Gov. Parnell’s written response.